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SSC CGL Result 2021 Final Out: Download PDF Here

Sadia Naseem

Mar 17, 2023

SSC CGL final result 2021 has been released on the SSC website on March 17, 2023. Candidates who appeared in the SSC CGL exam can download the SSC CGL 2021 final result PDF from the website. Download here.

SSC CGL Tier 1 Result 2022: Download Links

Particulars Download
SSC CGL 2022 Tier 1 Result Cutoff/ Writeup Download
SSC CGL 2023 Tier 1 Result PDF (List 1) – AAO Download
SSC CGL 2023 Tier 1 Result PDF (List 2) – JSO Download
SSC CGL 2023 Tier 1 Result PDF (List 3) – others Download

How to Check SSC CGL Tier 1 Result 2022?

All the candidates should follow the given steps in order to check the SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Tier 1 Result 2023:

  • Step 1: Visit the Official Website of Staff Selection Commission (SSC), i.e.,
  • Step 2: Then they should visit the top menu bar of the home page and press the Result button.
  • Step 3: Now they should find the link related to the SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Tier 1 Result 2023 and click on it.
  • Step 4: Next they should submit their Admit Card Number, Roll Number or Username, and Date of Birth (DOB) to login into the webpage.
  • Step 5: After that their Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Tier 1 Report Card will appear on their screen.
  • Step 6:Then they should Download and take a printout of their report card for future reference.

SSC CGL Result 2022: Important Dates

Following are the important SSC CGL dates for the previous and current cycles.

SSC CGL Events SSC CGL Dates
SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Date December 01 to 13, 2022
SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key December 16, 2022
SSC CGL Tier 1 Result February 9, 2023
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cutoff February 9, 2023
SSC CGL Tier 1 Marks February 22, 2023
SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam March 2, 2023 to March 7, 2023
SSC CGL Tier 2 Result 2022 April, 2023 (Tenatative)

SSC CGL result is published in PDF format, which consists of the names and roll numbers of the qualifying candidates. SSC also releases the provisional answer key soon after the exam. The candidates raise objections, if any, against the answer key. They must submit their representations through the official website. These objections will be considered for the final answer key.

Tier II Result

SSC CGL Tier 2 Result

SSC CGL Tier 2 result for 2020-21 was out on April 26, 2022. The same for 2022 will be released after the conduction of the examination. It will contain separate lists for AAO, JSO, and other posts. Qualifying candidates appear for the descriptive paper in Tier 3.

Check previous years’ SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper Analysis

Check Result

Steps to check SSC CGL Tier 2 Result 2022

To download the SSC CGL result from the official website, the candidates need to follow a few easy steps which are as follows.

Step 1: Visit the official website of the commission at

Step 2: Go to the ‘Result’ section of the website and click on the ‘SSC CGL’ tab.

Step 3: Find the links for ‘Result of Combined Graduate Level Examination (Tier 2) 2021-2022’.

Step 4: There will be 3 links for the post-wise merit lists.

Step 5: Click on the relevant link and the PDF file will open.

Step 6: The PDF contains the list of candidates who have qualified.

Step 7: Press CTRL+F to search your name and roll number.

Step 8: If your name and roll number are there on the list, it means you have qualified the tier 1.

Step 9: Download and save the PDF for future references.

  • Visit the SSC Official Website
  • Select the SSC CGL Result Download Link
  • SSC CGL Result PDF
SSC CGL Result Download Link
SSC CGL Result List

Details Mentioned on SSC CGL Result

The SSC CGL Result consists of the following details in the PDF. If there is an error in the details mentioned in the result, the candidates must contact the authorities immediately.

  • Name of the examination
  • Post names
  • Roll numbers of qualifying the aspirants
  • Names of the qualifying aspirants
  • Category codes of the qualifying aspirants
  • Category names of the aspirants
Tier I Result

SSC CGL Tier 1 Result 2021

SSC CGL Result 2022 download link for the Tier-1 exam has been released by SSC at its official website,

Check SSC CGL Tier 1 Paper Analysis

SSC CGL Tier 1 Result 2021 SSC CGL Result 2021 PDF
SSC CGL Result for Assistant Audit Officer & Assistant Accounts Officer Posts Direct Link for Result
SSC CGL Result for Junior Statistical Officer Posts Direct Link for Result
SSC CGL Result for Other Posts Direct Link for Result
CGL Scorecard

Steps to Download the SSC CGL Scorecard

The Commission releases the marks i.e. the SSC CGL scorecard soon after the result. Following are the steps to check it.

  • Go to the official website of the SSC CGL i.e.
  • Login into the portal using the username and password.
  • Enter the Captcha code, displaying on the screen, for verification purposes.
  • Once logged in, click on the Result/ Marks tab.
  • From the list of links given there, choose the relevant one.
  • The PDF file of SSC CGL scorecard will open.
  • Check and download it for future requirements.

What is the Normalization Process of SSC CGL Marks?

Normalization is the process of adjusting the marks obtained by candidates who appeared in different shifts of an exam, taking into account the differences in the difficulty levels of those shifts. It is important for candidates to understand that their raw marks may be subject to an increase or decrease after normalization. Normalisation Process for SSC CGL Marks-
SSC CGL Normalisation Process

What is the Tie-Breaker Criteria in SSC CGL?

In the event of tie in scores of candidates in Tier-II examination, merit will be decided by applying following criteria, one after another in the given order, till the tie is resolved:

  • Marks scored in Paper-II & Paper-III of Tier-II Examination for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer respectively, if applicable.
  • Marks scored in Section-I of Paper-I of Tier-II Examination.
  • Marks scored in Section-I of Paper-I of Tier-II Examination.
  • Date of birth, with older candidate placed higher.
  • Alphabetical order in which the names of the candidates appear.
Tier I Cutoff

Factors Affecting SSC CGL Cut Off

The SSC CGL cut off is the minimum score, which should get the aspirants for qualifying each stage of the exam. The SSC CGL cut off depends on the following factors.

  • Number of aspirants appearing for the exam
  • Number of available SSC CGL vacancies
  • Difficulty level of the paper
  • Previous year cut offs

The Commission releases the SSC CGL cut off for each stage separately. There is no sectional cut off in SSC CGL. However, the minimum cut off for each category is different. After the tier 4 exam, the selected candidates have to appear for the document verification round where they must be able to produce all the certificates relevant to their eligibility. If any candidate is found to be lacking the SSC CGL eligibility criteria, he/she will be disqualified immediately. The final merit list is prepared on the basis of marks scored in Tier 2 Only


SSC CGL Result 2023: FAQs

Ques. What is the process of checking the SSC CGL result?

Ans. To check the SSC Combined Graduate Level exam result, candidates have to visit the SSC official website. In the results tab, they will find the PDF link of SSC CGL result.

Ques. What are the details mentioned in the SSC CGL Result PDF?

Ans. The aspirants will find the details like the names of the qualifying candidates, roll number, categories, etc. They must ensure that all the details mentioned are correct. In case of any discrepancy, they should contact the authorities at the earliest.

Ques. Is the SSC CGL Tier 1 2022 result out?

Ans. Yes, the SSC CGL 2022 Tier 1 result has been released on the official website on February 9, 2022.

Ques. Does the Staff Selection Commission release the CGL result region-wise?

Ans. No, SSC CGL result will not be declared region-wise. They are released on the basis of the posts and the categories of the candidates. There are declared on the official website.

Ques. How can I check my SSC CGL 2022 Final Result?

Ans. The SSC CGL 2022 Final Result will be announced in May 2023 or June 2023.

Ques. How can I know my SSC roll no?

Ans. The SSC roll number is mentioned on the admit card of each candidates. The candidates must save the PDF file of admit card for future references.

Ques. When was the SSC CGL Tier 2 result 2022 will be declared?

Ans. The SSC CGL 2022 Tier 2 result will be declared in May or June 2023.

Ques. Will SSC CGL be conducted in 2023?

Ans. Yes, the SSC CGL exam is going to be conducted in June or July 2023.

Ques. How can I check my SSC CGL answer key without roll no?

Ans. To download the SSC CGL answer key, the candidates need to provide their roll numbers. If they have lost their roll number, they can check their admit card or email ID for the same. They can also check the result PDF and note the roll number against their name.

Ques. How can I check my SSC CGL result?

Ans. The SSC CGL result is released on the official website in the form of a merit list. The candidates can download the PDF of the result from the official website. They will not have to log in to the website to download it.

Ques. How do I find my final answer key?

Ans. The final answer key is released soon after the release of the result. The candidates will be able to download it from the official website. They will need their User IDs/ Roll numbers and Passwords to download it.

Ques. How can I get my SSC roll number from the registration number?

Ans. SSC roll numbers are given in the admit cards of the candidates. The candidates can must save the admit card PDF for future references. They can also check their email IDs, the Commission sends important details there. Another option is checking the result PDF and finding the roll number against their name.

Ques. How can I know my SSC Roll No?

Ans. SSC Roll No is given in the admit card issued by the Commission before the exam. You can also check your email ID for any mail from the Commission containing the same. Authorities also mention the roll numbers in the result list released after the exam.

Ques. How can I check my marks in SSC CGL 2022 Tier 1?

Ans. Candidates can check SSC CGL 2022 Tier 1 Marks from SSC Website. It has been released by SSC on February 22, 2023.

Ques. Is SSC CGL Result 2023 declared?

Ans. No, SSC CGL Result 2023 has not been released yet. The Tier 1 exam is expected to be conducted in June – July 2023. It is expected that the result will be out in August 2023.

Ques. How can I check my SSC CGL marks?

Ans. The SSC CGL marks are released in the scorecard. It will be out a few days after the release of the result. The candidates will be able to download it using their unique credentials.

Ques. What should I provide to check the SSC CGL result?

Ans. To check the SSC CGL Result, the aspirants have to log in to their account by providing the Registration ID and password.

Ques. How SSC CGL Merit List is prepared?

Ans. SSC CGL Final Merit List is prepared on the basis of overall performance of Candidate in Tier 2 Only. Tier 1 is just qualifying exam for Tier 2.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.
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