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MP Police Constable Syllabus 2023: Paper I and II Detailed Syllabus

Kabya Kalbalia

Jan 16, 2023

Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) sets the syllabus for the MP Police Constable exam 2023. MP Police Constable exam is conducted in two stages, Written Test (Paper I and Paper II) and Physical Test (Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test). The written test comprises of Science & Simple Arithmetic, General Knowledge & Reasoning, Intellectual Ability & Mental Ability.

Once the written test and physical test will be done, the shortlisted aspirants will be called for the document verification process. This article will give you a clear idea about the MP Police syllabus 2023 in a detailed manner.

Exam Syllabus

MP Police Constable Subject Wise Syllabus 2023

The MP Police Constable written test comprises two papers, paper I and paper II. Here the MP Police Constable paper wise syllabus has been highlighted in the following section.

Paper I

MP Police Constable Paper I Syllabus 2023

In MP Constable exam, the aspirants have to answer the 100 marks questions on General Knowledge & Reasoning, Science & Simple Arithmetic, Intellectual Ability & Mental Aptitude subjects.

  • Each question is worth one point.
  • The test will consist of multiple-choice, objective questions.

MP Police General Knowledge & Reasoning Syllabus

The aspirants have to answer 30 questions on the General Knowledge and Reasoning. The important topics are highlighted in the following table, that should be covered by the aspirants:

Sections Topics
General Knowledge
  • General knowledge of Madhya Pradesh,
  • Major wildlife sanctuary and national park, major rivers,
  • irrigation planning, major tourism (forts, palaces, ancient notable and natural places, caves, mausoleum etc.)
  • Major personalities of Madhya Pradesh (political, sportsmen, artist, administration, author, litterateur, social worker etc.)
  • Analogies, similarities and differences,
  • spatial visualisation,
  • Spatial orientation, problem-solving, analysis,
  • Judgment, decision making, visual memory,
  • discrimination, observation, relationship concepts,
  • Arithmetic reasoning, verbal and figure classification,
  • Arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding,
  • Statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning etc.

MP Police Intellectual Ability & Mental Aptitude Syllabus

In MP police paper I, the candidates will have to answer 30 questions from Intellectual Ability & Mental Aptitude section. The following subjects will need to be covered from this section:

  • Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences,
  • Punched hole/pattern – folding & unfolding,
  • Figural Pattern – folding and completion,
  • Indexing, Address matching,
  • Date & city matching,
  • Classification of centre codes/roll numbers,
  • Small & Capital letters/numbers,
  • Coding – decoding classification,
  • Embedded Figures, Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence.

Check MP Police Constable cutoff.

MP Police Science & Simple Arithmetic Syllabus

The candidates have to answer 30 questions from Science & Simple Arithmetic. Here in the following the important topics on Science & Simple Arithmetic has been highlighted:

Subjects Topics
  • Weight, mass, volume, reflection, refraction,
  • Transparency, the law of motion and gravitation etc.
  • Chemistry like a chemical reaction,
  • Different acids, bases and gases, salt, metals and non-metals,
  • Chemical formula balancing and their facts etc.
  • Biology like human body structure,
  • Bacterias and diseases and their symptoms etc.
Simple Arithmetic
  • Simplification,
  • Average,
  • Percentage,
  • Time & Work, Area,
  • profit & Loss,
  • Simple & Compound Interest,
  • Time & Speed, Investment,
  • HCF LCM,
  • Problem On Ages,
  • Bar Graph, Pictorial Graph, Pie Chart and Data Interpretation etc.
Paper II

MP Police Constable Paper II Syllabus 2023

The aspirants, who will appear for the ASI (Computer) and Head Constable (Computer), will be able to take for the paper II along with paper I. The paper II syllabus will be based on the technical knowledge of Computer Software subjects. One should cover the below mentioned important topics of Computer Networking Software subject:

  • MS Word
  • Microsoft OneNote
  • Microsoft Access
  • Introduction to Computer Science
  • Computer Networks
  • Emerging Technologies and Web Publishing
  • PC Software and Office Automation
  • Database Management System
  • Data Structures
  • MS PowerPoint
  • MS Excel
  • The Internet
  • MS Project
  • Microsoft Publisher.

To check the MP Police official syllabus 2023, the candidates have to go to the Board’s website, The interested candidates, who are willing to appear for the MP Police Constable exam 2023, should start their preparation. The candidates can follow MP Police Constable best books here for their preparation.



Ques. What is the total mark in the MP Police Constable written test?

Ans. There will be a total of 100 marks in the MP Police Constable written test. (Total marks for Radio Constable post will be 200).

Ques. What is the total duration of the MP Police Constable?

Ans. The total duration of the MP Police Constable exam is 120 minutes.

Ques. Will the MP Police Constable written test include any negative marking in case of a wrong answer?

Ans. There is no news released on this from the exam conducting authority.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.
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