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SBI PO Mains 2019 Question Paper with Answer Key PDF (Jul 20, 2019)

Kabya Kalbalia

Oct 2, 2022

SBI PO Mains 2019 question paper with answer key PDF, conducted on July 20, 2019 is available for downloading. The exam was successfully organised by State Bank of India. In terms of difficulty level, SBI PO Mains was easy to moderate. SBI PO Mains exam comprised of two major parts- Objective and Descriptive. Both of them were conducted on the same day with one following right after the other.

The Objective part contained 155 questions from four sections namely, Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, Data Analysis and Intepretation, General Awareness (Economy and Banking), and English Language. The marks for each question varied with the section.The total marks of the part was 200 with a negative marking of 1/4th of the allotted marks for each wrong answer. Each section had its time limit and the total duration of the exam was 3 hours.

The Descriptive part consisted of 2 questions- Letter writing and Essay writing. Each of them carried 25 marks each. The candidates had to write their answers on a computer within the 30 minutes given to them.

SBI PO Mains 2019 Question Paper- Jul 20, 2019

SBI PO Mains 2019 Question Paper SBI PO Mains 2019 Answer key
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SBI PO 2019- Jul 20, 2019 Questions

1 Area of City A increased by 25% each year since 2001 and the area was 100 sq. km. in 2001, and the GER in 2001 was 3 : 1. If the GER in 2002 was 0.67 which decreased by 25% in 2003, then find the number of Males in City A in 2003.
2 Area of City B increased by 20% each year, and area in 2003 was 172.8 sq. km. Find the ratio of Males in City B in 2002 to the Females in City B in 2001, if the GER of City B in 2002 was 1.5 and that in 2001 was inverse of that in 2002
3 Total Population of City C in 2001 was 8250 and area of City C expanded by 10% each year. Then was the ratio of GER of City C in 2002 to GER of City C in 2003 if the Male Population in 2002 was 4356 and that in 2003 was 7986.
4 GER of City D in 2001 was 0.4 and the number of Female was 2514. Then find the rate at which the area of City D expanded.
5 Find the ratio of sum of average population density of City A and City B to the sum of Average Population density of City C and City D.
6 Find the ratio of sum of Red balls in boxes P & R and the sum of Green balls in Boxes Q and R.
7 What is the probability of getting either a blue or a green ball from box R.
8 One ball each is drawn from each box. Find the probability that all are of red colour.
9 What is the difference of probability of drawing a green ball from box Q and the probability of drawing a blue ball from box R?
10 If ‘x’ red balls are shifted from each of the boxes P and R to box Q then probability of drawing a red ball from box Q increases by 7/60. Find the value of x.
11 Approximately how many people taking a loan from Bank S in the year 2006 were defaulters?
12 Approximately what was the difference between the number of defaulters of Bank Q in the year 2004 and 2005?
13 In which of the following years was the number of defaulters of Bank R the maximum among the given years?
14 In which of the following years was the difference in number of people taking loan from Bank P from the previous year the highest?
15 Approximately what was the total number of defaulters of Bank T in the years 2007 and 2008 together?
16 The ratio of the current ages of A and B is 3 : 4, while that of C and D is 3 : 5. If the difference between the ages of A and B is ___ years, then the ratio of the ages of A and B ___ years ago is equal to the current age ratio of C and D.
Which of the following options satisfies the two blanks in the question?
A. 4, 6
B. 6, 9
C. 12, 18
D. 16, 20
17 A dealer bought a product for Rs. 6000, marked its price 55% above the cost price and sold it at successive discounts of 20% + __ %. The shopkeeper who bought the product marked its price 50% above the cost price and sold it at a discount of 25%, thereby earning a profit of Rs. ____. Which of the following options satisfies the two blanks in the question?
A. 10, 837
B. 15, 790.5
C. 20, 748
D. 25, 697.5
18 Three mixtures A, B and C are made by mixing milk and water in the ratio 3 : 2, 5 : 1 and 7 : 3 respectively. On mixing ___ litres of mixture A, 30 litres of mixture B and ___ litres of mixture C, a mixture of ratio 5 : 2 can be obtained.
Which of the following options satisfies the two blanks in the question?
A. 40, 30
B. 30, 10
C. 25, 50
D. 20, 40
19 A man started his journey at 8:00 AM by covering 186 km by bus at a speed of 45 km/hr. After that, he travelled 256 km by train at a speed of 96 km/hr. and covered his remaining journey by taxi at a speed of 40 km/hr. Hence, he completed his journey of ___ km at ___ PM.
Which of the following options satisfies the two blanks in the question?
A. 490, 4:00
B. 500, 4:15
C. 530, 5:00
D. 554, 5:15
20 In a live concert, the amount collected by selling the tickets was Rs. 75000. Find the cost of a ticket, if the cost of every ticket is the same.
Statement I: If the price of each ticket is increased by Rs. 50, the amount collected will be Rs. 6250 more.
Statement II: If the number of tickets is decreased by 25 (keeping the cost per ticket constant), the amount collected will be Rs. 15000 more. Statement III: Ratio of number of tickets and the cost of a ticket is 5 : 24
21 What is the ratio of the volume of the cube to the volume of the cuboid?
Statement I: The Total Surface Area of the cuboid is 550 cm2 and the ratio of the length, breadth and of the cuboid is 2 : 3 : 1.
Statement II: The Total Surface Area of the cube is 384 cm2.
Statement III: The breadth of the cuboid is 1.5 times of the length of the cuboid and 3 times of the of the cuboid. The difference between the and the length of the cuboid is 5 cm.
22 Find the total amount paid by the person to the bank.
Statement I: A person took the loan of Rs. 7000 from the bank at rate of 5% per annum simple interest.
Statement II: He wants to repay the loan in 5 years in some installments.
Statement III: At the end of 3 years, he paid Rs. 3000 and cleared the dues after 2 more years.
23 What is the approximate profit or loss percentage incurred by B?
24 If D sold half of its shares at same rate. so, at what rate he must sell the remaining share to get no profit no loss, if brokerage on selling of remaining shares is Rs. 4 per share? [All shares are sold on intraday]
25 If E seems market as a bullish and purchased 200 more shares at 420. He then sold all of them after one year at 500. What is the diff. in profit if he would have sold at 450.
26 If A sold all his remaining shares after 1 week at Rs. 420 per share, find his overall profit or loss percentage on these shares only.
27 What is the approximate difference of profit amount earned by C on his remaining shares and profit amount earned by A on his remaining shares, if both of them sold their shares after 6 months at Rs. 500 per share.
28 Quantity I. 15, 12, X, 9, 21, 6
Quantity II. 24, 12, 12, Y, 36, 90
Quantity III. 3, 2, 10, Z, 17, 16
29 A and B started working on Project X. They completed 1/3rd of work after which they left, and C joined the project. C can complete the whole project in 24 days. After C worked for his assigned number of days, D joined the project and worked for his assigned number of days. Find the number of days in which D can complete the whole Project X?
30 A who can complete project Y in 40 days, worked for 12 days. The ratio of number of days in which B and C can complete Project Y alone is 10 : 16. D could not come to work for project Y. Find the number of days in which B and C can complete 13/15 of project Y together, given that if D who can complete work in 24 days had also joined the project for 8 days, the project would have been completed.
31 Project Z was to be completed in 12 days. To complete project in time, all A, B, C and D decided to work in pairs in alternate days. A and C on 1st day, B and D on 2nd day, A and C on 3rd, and so on. But they could not complete project in time. What percent of project Z remain uncompleted if A, B, C and D can complete whole project Z in 24, 36, 40 and 30 days respectively?
32 B and C can complete the whole project M in 12 days working together. A is 20% more efficient than C and 40% less efficient that B. How many days did D work on project M if D can complete whole project M in 36 days?
33 A, E and D worked on project N. B and C alone can complete whole project N in 40 and 60 days respectively. E who is 3/2 times efficient than B and C together replaces both of them and worked for same number of days for which B and C had to work. A completed 1/6th‚ of the work. Find in how many days all A, B, C, and D can complete the project N together.
34 Quantity I. 9, 10, 6, 15, -1, X
Quantity II. 10, 6, 5, 8.5, 16, Y
Quantity III. 16, 18, 14, 20, 12, Z
35 Quantity I. 2, 3, 4, 15, 56, X
Quantity II. 3, 2, 7, 16, 71, Y
Quantity III. 14, 16, 28, 64, 144, Z
36 What will be the sum of the digits of the extreme left number in Step 1?
37 Which is the 4th number from the left in step 2?
38 How many even numbers are there in Step 3?
39 What will be the difference between the first and the fourth numbers from the left in step 4?
40 How many numbers have repeated digits in Step IV?
41 If J @ K % M % L # W, How far is W with respect to J?
42 If M % N @ O $ P, in which direction is P with respect to M?
43 If U % V # W # R % S, then which of the following is definitely true?
44 What is the code for “independent” in this code language?
45 7I@” may be the code for which of the following word?
46 What is the code for “she is innocent girl”?
47 What will be the code for “job is important for all”?
48 What will be the code for “fluctuations” in this code language?
49 During an ongoing conversation between the creative artist and the Manager of an interior decoration firm,
The creative artist said " The content of the Company XYZ is not good hence no more tender should be given to the company.
The Manager replied " there is a rivalry between company XYZ and ABC due to which there are such rumours against company XYZ in the market.
What could be the viewpoint of the manager while replying to the Creative artist?
50 Homeowners aged 40 to 50 are more likely to purchase ice cream and are more likely to purchase it in larger amounts than members of any other demographic group. The popular belief that teenagers eat more ice-cream than adults must, therefore, be false.
The argument is flawed because the author -
51 Most people like to wake up every morning to a hot cup of tea and a newspaper. Newspaper gives people a fair idea of the happenings in the world and prepares them for their daily discussion about it with friends, fellow commuters and colleagues. Readership of newspapers has taken a beating nowadays. Which of the following ways would best help increase it in today’s day and age?
52 In the year of 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki which killed hundreds of thousands of people and their effects are still being felt today. It burnt around 70 percent of all buildings and caused an estimated 140,000 deaths by the end of 1945. It increased cancer rates and chronic disease among survivors. Some people who entered the cities after the bombing to provide assistance also died from the radiation. Given below are some options, select the one which is definitely not a long term effect to humans caused by this incident.
53 Statements: A research shows that 80% of the youth today prefer socializing on the internet over personal interaction. The prominent reason behind this precedence was the lack of emotional involvement required when it came to socializing via internet. Which of the following assertions best infer the above statements?
54 Statement: In spite of the bad quality of food, employees have not complained.
I. Generally employees complain.
II. Complaints improve quality.
55 Statement: The odd-even traffic system to fight increased air pollution has received mixed response from people.
I. Air pollution has decreased due to odd-even system.
II. Every citizen has welcomed the odd-even system.
56 Statement: Every year thousands of able students, both in rural as well as in urban areas cannot get admission in colleges despite passing the last certificate examination of their schools.
Courses of Action: I. More colleges should be established in rural as well as in urban areas. II. The number of schools in rural as well as in urban areas should be decreased. III. A good number of schools should conduct vocational courses. So that the students could start preparing to get employed after completing the school education.
57 Who is the sister of Hiteshri?
58 Who likes Bengali?
59 In which state does Ram reside?
60 Who is the brother of Nikeeta?
61 Which language does Rashi like?
62 Who are the neighbours of E?
63 Who is facing G?
64 In the given options, 4 of them are similar in a way, thus forming groups. Find Which one is odd from the group?
65 The 4 persons standing on the outer gate are?
66 The 4 persons standing on the inner gate are?
67 P@Q means the person is turning to his right side from point P and reaching point Q P # Q means the person is turning to his left side from point P and reaching point Q P@5Q means the person is turning to his right side from point P and after walking for 5 km reaches point Q
A person standing at A is looking in the North direction.
A@5B, B@6C, C#8D
What is the direction of starting point with respect to the end point?
68 Who is sitting adjacent to the father of V?
69 Who is the wife of V?
70 Who is sitting exactly between C and V’s mother?
71 Who is sitting at the extreme right?
72 Who is sitting second to the left of A?
73 Who is sitting to the immediate right of R?
74 How much is the hour-difference between T and U?
75 What is the seat number of S?
76 What is the sum of of the box which is immediate above M and the box which is immediate below W?
77 Which among the following box is kept immediately below box U?
78 Which of the following box is kept at the top of the stacks?
79 What is the sum of of all the boxes which are placed in the middle of each stack?
80 Which of the following is not true regarding arrangement?
81 A. India's government is in talks with foreign lenders to provide as much as $14.5 billion in credit to millions of its small firms, two officials said, in a sign, the country's banking system may not be robust enough to do the job on its own
B. India's micro, small and medium enterprise(MSME) ministry is discussing the proposal to pull in foreign banks with the country's ministry of finance, which will make a final call.
C. The push for foreign loans comes on the heels of the Indian government's announcement earlier this month that it plans to borrow about 700 billion rupees by issuing overseas sovereign bonds.
D. The government is in discussions with multiple foreign lenders, including Germany's state-owned development bank KfW Group, the World Bank and some Canadian institutions to extend lines of credit to small enterprises
E. One official said that the government plans to source up to 1 trillion Indian rupees of loans from foreign institutions because Indian banks were not in a position to provide enough capital for the small business sector, which is seen as critical to job creation.
82 A. India may have to revise downwards what is considered its “potential” rate of B. Has argued in a paper. This paper comes as a follow-up to the one Mr. Subramanian published last month, in which he had argued that India’s GDP growth in the 2011-17 period C. Had been overestimated by 2.5 percentage points and that the actual growth rate was about 4.5% D. Growth from 7-8% to bring expectations more in line with reality, former Chief Economic Adviser (CEA) Arvind Subramanian
83 A. The follow-up paper published earlier this month is an attempt to address those criticisms. B. The original paper drew a lot of criticism over its methodology and assertions. C. While the paper goes into some detail in addressing the statistical issues raised about the original, it also highlights certain cognitive arguments made against it and tries to show why those are unfounded D. the key highlights of which Mr. Subramanian had presented in a lecture
84 A. And the population growth rate was 2%, yielding a B. Per capita growth rate of 1-1.5%. So, today’s 4.5% represents C. More than a doubling of the old “Hindu” per capita growth rate" D. “To begin with, today’s 4.5% translates into a per capita growth rate of about 3%,” he said. “In the pre-1980s era, the GDP growth rate was about 3-3.5%
85 A. Did in the pre-1980 Hindu rate of growth period, B. Was how India can, right now, grow at the same rate as it C. The first question raised, Mr. Subramanian said D. When the economic condition was clearly much worse.
86 A. Would result in compromising its “autonomy and its ability to function effectively” B. To the Consolidated Fund of India (CFI) has met with a strong opposition from the regulatory body. The capital markets regulator feels that the proposal C. The government’s proposal to transfer surplus money with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) D. Towards the progress and development of the Indian securities market.
87 Which of the above-given sentences/parts of sentences unjumbled does not fit in the pattern of the whole argument/idea? 1.looking to Canada, Japan, and other countries 2. with less cumbersome and more 3.a tourist resort there to earn 4. already, Indian techies have started 5. welcoming immigration processes
88 Read the passage and based on it choose one of the given inferences that you draw from it. Across most parts of India (26 of 29 states and 5 of 7 Union Territories), over 200 cities/towns and over a thousand villages, areas around rivers are most productive and also some of the well-irrigated ones like in Punjab. Coastal Andhra produces 3 crops of rice coupled with coconut, fisheries, poultry, and dairy which make it perhaps the money-making land in the country.
89 I do not think we are going to build up international _____ by approaching other nations in a spirit of _______ self-righteousness. A. Confidence D. Unctuous B. Ludicrous E. Isthmus C. Effable F. Inevitable
90 The company is currently trying to ____ its socially _____ image. A. Effluent D. Schmooze B. Burnish E. Irate C. Didactic F. Responsible
91 A serpent was an _____ creature that looked thoroughly ______ not something anyone would want around his home. A. Obsequious D. Obscene B. Blase E. Repulsive C. Oleaginous F. Fulsome
92 What did Donald Trump refer to as the main reason behind the slump in China's economy?
93 What have analysts argued as the main reason behind the slump in China's economy?
94 How has the Chinese government tackled this issue?
95 Give the synonym of the word 'stimulus'
96 Which of the following is a synonym of “Impasse”?
97 Which of the following is true according to the above passage?
98 Which of the following can be validated from the 3rd paragraph?
99 According to the above passage, why did India not attend the digital economy summit pushed Shinzo Abe?
100 A serpent was an _____ creature that looked thoroughly ______ not something anyone would want around his home. A. Obsequious D. Obscene B. Blase E. Repulsive C. Oleaginous F. Fulsome
101 Which of the following cannot be inferred from the passage?
102 Which of the following words is the most similar in meaning to the word "reconnaissance" as given in the passage?
103 Which of the sentences below summarizes the theme of the passage?,
104 How has Jeff Noel suggested Whirlpool is going to tackle the faulty dryers?
105 What does Jemma Spurr have to say about this issue?
106 Give the meaning of the word 'fluff'.
107 Give the synonym of 'stint'.
108 Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
109 What did one of his final cases result in?
110 What did the city do to commemorate the officer's send'off?
111 1. The got in had occurred just before midnight.
2. The two robbers had an alibi for the time period of the run up
3. The would-be thieves had smashed the door lock in an attempt to turn in.
112 1. The top and bottom come up if you pull hard enough.
2. My whole life had get apart at the seams.
3. After the first act, the play begins to get upon at the seams
113 1. I need to figure out how to fit the piano and the bookshelf in this room.
2. Please fill in the form with your name, address, and phone number.
3. The form must be filled out in capital letters.
114 1. I finally got back into my novel and finished it.
2. We're going to freeze out here if you don't let us get on the bus.
3. I don't know when I am going to get round to writing the thank you cards.
115 1. The story does, however, abound upon felicities; the physical descriptions of the planet, for example, are superb.
2. While other ions abound upon cytoplasm in their millimoles, liberal estimates of free Ca concentrations run around 0.1 micromolar, maximum.
3. Examples flutter up the professions, for example, the question of auditors and joint-stock companies, or solicitors and conveyancing.
116 Forbes has compiled a first-ever list of the World's Best Bank 2019. Which of the following banks has topped in Forbes list of Indian banks?
117 Recently, Indian city has been included in UNESCO's World heritage list. It is _____.
118 Which among the following parameters were not included in Global Gender Gap Index Report?
119 Abhijeet Gupta is related to which game?
120 The total deposits in bank accounts opened under the Jan Dhan scheme are ______. The Modi government launched the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana in 2014.
121 NCLAT order on Essar Steel has rewritten IBC rules. What is full form of NCLAT?
122 A Public Sector Enterprise, NSIL has been incorporated as a new commercial arm of the Department of Space to tap the benefits of the Research & Development carried out by ISRO. What does 'I' stands for in NSIL?
123 Pinaka is a multi barrel rocket launcher produced by?
124 Where will a Centre for Disability Sports be set up to ensure the effective participation of Persons with Disabilities in sports activities?
125 Who bagged the International Cricketer and Batsman of the Year award during the CEAT Cricket Rating (CCR) International awards 2019?
126 TReDS is an online electronic institutional mechanism for facilitating the financing of trade receivables of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) through multiple financiers.It is a joint trade venture of NSE and ______.
127 Who became the 1st woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean solo in a LSA?
128 With which of the following countries is the 1st Model Village having 2400 houses built with Indian assistance?
129 What is the theme for International Day of Happiness 2019?
130 ‘Wings’, a specially designed mentorship program to empower the female workforce, was launched by which company?
131 G20 summit held at ______.
132 Who clinched a gold medal in the World Universiade in 100 m dash event at Napoli in Italy in July 2019?
133 Who has been appointed as an additional director on the board of Yes Bank for two years from May 2019?
134 Which state is set to launch a major water conservation scheme titled ‘Jalamrutha’?
135 With which of the following did India's BSE and the India International Exchange Limited sign an MoU to connect the investors’ community and companies and allow a capital formation platform on a larger scale?
136 Which of the following banks will be buying a stake in BSE subsidiary INX for ₹31 crore?
137 The Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs) can be traded using the RBI’s _____
138 Apart from resident individuals, HUFs, Trusts and Charitable Institutions,the Sovereign gold scheme is eligible for whom?
139 Which is the best company to work for in India in 2019, according to LinkedIn?
140 The government has set up a working group to revise WPI, giving roadmap to shift to PPI. This group is headed by?
141 Which railway zone's strategy named as 'Plan Bee' has won the ‘Best Innovation Award’ in Indian Railways for the 2018-19 fiscal?
142 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has launched ______ on its website for facilitating RBI’s grievance redressal process.
143 How much fund has been allocated under Budget 2019 to boost public sector banks?
144 ______ will be set up in the current fiscal year as a part of the measures to deepen the bond market.
145 RBI has set up a committee for development of housing finance securitisation market, headed by?
146 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) board has finalised a Three Year Roadmap Project 'UTKARSH'. It is meant for what purpose?
147 Which state has the highest rate of refilling LPG under the UJJWALA scheme?
148 Where was NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), the commercial arm of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), officially inaugurated?
149 A $250 million loan to Kerala will be provided by which bank for disaster management?
150 In IFSC, the fifth character 0 is reserved for _____.
151 The Mukhyamantri Yuva Swabhiman Yojana has been launched by which state?
152 What is the targeted Fiscal Deficit the year 2018-2019?
153 Which state will give unemployment allowance up to Rs 3,500 to unemployed youth having graduation or equivalent degree under the Chief Minister Yuva Sambal Yojana from February 2019?
154 Which bank has signed a deal with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia for block chain technology?
155 ICICI has signed a MoU with Small Business FinCredit India Pvt Ltd on 4 January 2019 for jointly providing loans worth up to _____ to the MSMEs?
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.
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